At the Ark Food Trailer we realized from the beginning that nobody was going to eat our food as much as we were. So we set out to not only make it delicious, but also not disastrous to our health overtime. Our signature homemade chips are lightly fried in avocado oil and lightly salted. Each item not only comes equip with a burst of flavor, but also a healthy balance of vitamins & nutrients.
The Ark Food Trailer was established as a funding source for the international mission, A Cup Of Cold Water. The name is derived from the Bible verse, Matthew 10:42: "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” When you come to The Ark Food Trailer, you are not only getting delicious food at a great price; you are contributing to something even larger with every dollar you spend. The Ark Food Trailer, along with other business revenues, make it possible for us to guarantee that 100% of donations to ACOCW, goes directly to the cause specified. Learn more about those causes and how you can get involved by contacting us or on the acocw-international.org |